Under CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) system, commercial importers must have their own financial securities established to import - even temporarily.

There are several things that must be in place before commercial importers can make a temporary import into Canada.

You will need:
  • A cash or Temporary Import Bond in the CARM Client Portal that is equal to 100% of the duty and tax owed. 
How We Can Help:
  • We can help you apply for and acquire a Temporary Import Bond. 
  • We can help you determine how large your bond is going to need to be with a professional valuation.

Temporary Import Bond FAQs

What value of a bond am I going to need?

The required cash or bond value must equal at least 100% of the duties and taxes of your import. A basic Temporary Import Bond covers up to $75,000 where a cash bond simply must be equal to the amount required. 

Do I need to be in the CARM Client Portal to make a temporary import?

Yes. All commercial importers looking to import into Canada, even temporarily, will need to register in the portal. We offer many additional services that can help with this process. 

Can I use my D120 Import Bond for temporary imports?

Currently, importers cannot us their D120 import bond for temporary imports. 

Is an external valuation necessary for crossing? 

What is most important is that the number you submit for your temporary import is accurate. The best way to ensure that this is the case and you avoid undue complications is with the help of an expert.