How To Import Plastics Into Canada
Your how to guide on plastic imports into Canada

When importing items made of polymers such as plastic bottles, plastic toys, utensils, plastic granules or raw plastic materials into Canada, you must know what government parties are involved, what regulations must be followed, and the fundamental aspects of plastic imports.
Parties Involved:
Main Regulations:
- Classifying plastics in the HS Tariff Classification System can get quite specific.
- Some plastic goods are regulated by Health Canada under the Consumer Product Safety Act.
Import Fundamentals:
- You will be acting as the Importer of Record. Therefore, you are the party ultimately responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the import declaration; as well as, the payment of applicable duties and taxes into Canada
- Duty and tax must be paid upon importation into Canada.
- The rate of duty is determined by the tariff of the commodity being imported, the value of the goods and, the origin of the goods.
- Certain import documentation is required to be presented to the border services officer at the port of entry.
- Your import may be subject to a customs review, inspection or audit prior to, or after the importation. Additional fees may be levied by the Government of Canada for these services.
- You are required to keep your import records for six years following the date of import and can be audited by Customs at any point during this time.
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FAQ: Plastic Imports
What Tariff Number Is Used For Plastic?
The tariff number used for plastic can be one of many as there are a lot of items made of plastic in the HS Classification System. Therefore, it is important that you know what type of plastic it is. Depending on the form, you may need to know what type of plastic (chemical composition), the specific gravity and possibly the thickness of the plastic, among other details such as item type (plates, sheets, films, bags, bottles etc.) and the end use. Knowing if the plastic bags you are importing are used for packaging food or garbage makes a difference in the tariff number and therefore import process.
What Is The Import Duty For Plastics?
The import duty for plastics is based on the value of your goods, the country of origin from which they came (and any applicable tariff treatments from eligible trade agreements) and the HS tariff classification code.