ACI eManifest Informed Compliance Period Extended
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) released a statement on eManifest implementation October 21, 2013. While the statement below signals yet another delay in the mandatory compliance date of the ACI eManifest implementation, it is important for all carriers to be fully aware that this program will be implemented. Additionally, it is in their best interest to get registered and fully compliant as soon as possible.
Carriers that wait until the 45 day notice period to sign up, may get caught up in the rush of last minute registrants and may find it difficult to be fully set up by the deadline. Further, early adoption allows participants to fine tune their processes and work out any bugs without fear of Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) penalties.
Canada Border Services Agency's News Release:
eManifest Implementation Update
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced that eManifest requirements for highway and rail carriers will not be mandatory in fall 2013, due to timelines associated with regulatory processes.
The CBSA remains committed to providing clients at least 45 days advance notice of the eManifest mandatory compliance date to ensure a smooth transition to modernized, more efficient commercial processing at Canada's borders. Updates regarding the status of the regulatory process will be made public when available.
The CBSA continues to strongly advise highway and rail carriers who have not yet adopted eManifest to take advantage of the additional time and the CBSA's various client support resources to become compliant as soon as possible.
eManifest is a major transformational initiative that impacts all areas of commercial cross-border processes.
When fully implemented, eManifest will require carriers, freight forwarders and importers in all modes of transportation (air, marine, highway and rail) to electronically transmit advance commercial information to the CBSA within prescribed mode-specific time frames.
The CBSA applauds carriers who have adopted eManifest requirements and is pleased with the continual increase in eManifest transmissions.
Pacific Customs Brokers' Border Pro for Carriers offers a full and self eManifest filing service option that can take the hassle of getting registered with CBSA off of your plate.
If you have any questions about ACI eManifest, how to register or how it will affect your business, please contact our Border Pro eManifest Team at 855.542.6644 or via email at carrierhelpdesk@pcb.ca. We also welcome your questions regarding ACI eManifest and its implementation in our comments section below.
5 Frequently Asked Questions About ACI eManifest | Part 1