Ask Before You Import!

Ask Before You Import!

Before you purchase a commodity that you have never imported before, or it has been some time since you've imported, contact your customs broker to confirm the requirements for importation.

There are a number of circumstances, requirements or changes to import requirements that could potentially make the import process uncomfortable if not properly researched.

First, you should confirm that the commodity you would like to import is allowed into Canada. Many commodities, especially those that are biological materials, food, plant or otherwise, require additional import and export permits. Other goods are simply prohibited entry into Canada.

10 Questions To Ask When Selecting A Customs Broker

Once it is ascertained that the commodity is allowed entry, the next step is to confirm the document requirements of both the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and other government departments. There are many commodities that have no additional requirements for entry from CBSA, but are regulated for clearance from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada and others. Many of the documents required for these regulated commodities cannot be obtained while the product is in transit, and must be obtained prior to departure. In most cases, if you do not have the appropriate documentation, the import could be refused entry.

Once the document requirements have been confirmed, the next thing is to confirm the duties and applicable taxes. There are many items which have applicable duty rates, are subject to Special Importer Measures Act actions, as well as any possible excise taxes; all are in place to protect Canadian Industry and give producers a chance to compete with foreign Importers.

SIMA Anti-Dumping And Countervailing Duties

True Story: A produce importer purchased blueberries from New Zealand. Upon arrival by air into Canada, they were advised by their customs broker that the blueberries required a phytosanitary certificate. The importer, not knowing of this requirement, had not requested one from the seller of the produce and could not obtain one due to the product already having left New Zealand. The fallout that occurred was that the blueberries had to be destroyed, and the importer was out the cost to purchase the blueberries and the cost to ship them via air freight.

Take Away: Ask Before You Import. It Will Save You Both Time And Money!

Your how to guide on importing into Canada
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About the Author
Gloria Terhaar

Gloria Terhaar began her customs brokerage career in 2002 and soon after joined PCB Global Trade Management. Since her start date in 2007, Gloria Terhaar has forged an impeccable reputation working progressively from an operations role to her current responsibilities as Trade Compliance Supervisor and a Regulatory Analyst. In these roles her in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements relating to imports into Canada ensures that our company’s practices are developed and updated to operate within government regulations. She is a dependable, approachable problem-solver and critical thinker with the resilience to tackle and handle many job responsibilities in an agile manner. Gloria enjoys educating others about Importing and has spoken at talks for MNP, the Surrey Board of Trade, TFO Canada, the BC Produce Marketing Association and various importers. She also represents PCB on the Canadian Produce Marketing Association Government Issue Management Committee and participates in annual advocacy events, where she advocates to Government officials for the Canadian produce industry. Recently, she was also accepted to participate on the CSCB task force related to the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) initiative. Gloria's passion for customs brokerage is shown in her commitment to educating trade chain partners about the industry and keeping abreast of the ever changing landscape of Acts, Regulations and policies that affect trade.

While we strive for accuracy in all our communications, as the Importer of Record it is incumbent upon your company to ensure that you are aware of the requirements under the new regulations so that you maintain compliance as always.