Infographic | ACI eManifest AMPS Penalties In Effect
What Is An ACI eManifest?
Highway carriers transporting goods into Canada are required to transmit cargo and conveyance data electronically to the CBSA (Canadian Border Service Agency) prior to arrival. The cargo and conveyance data must be received and validated by the CBSA a minimum of one hour before the shipment arrives at the border.
What Is The ACI eManifest Program?
The Advance Commercial Information (ACI) program provides Canada Border Services Agency officers with electronic pre-arrival cargo and conveyance information so that they are equipped with the right information to identify health, safety and security threats related to commercial goods before the goods arrive in Canada. ACI eManifest requires highway carriers to transmit their cargo and conveyance data to CBSA for Canada-bound crossings, no less than 1 hour prior to arrival at the border. ACE is the equivalent U.S. program.
ACI eManifest AMPS Penalties
January 11, 2016 marked the start of ACI eManifest AMPS penalties phase. In an earlier blog post on Hefty AMPS Penalties for ACI eManifest Non-Compliance we elaborated on the CBSA penalty system for non-compliance known as the Administrative Monetary Penalty System or AMPS. The infographic below features the fines that may be applied against a highway carrier or self-carrying importer who is non-compliant with ACI eManifest.

Note: These penalties are issued per shipment or per submission of data.
Click image above to enlarge for a full view of the infographic or download a printable version of this infographic here.
eManifest Filing Services
Our Border Pro for Carriers eManifest filing services can assist you in submitting all relevant information to Canada Customs within the required time period to ensure your trucks cross the border as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about ACI eManifest, please do not hesitate to contact our Carrier Relations Liaison at 855.542.6644 or via email at carrierhelpdesk@pcb.ca.