24/7 Live Reception And Chat Services
At Pacific Customs Brokers, we believe that you should be greeted by a friendly professional voice, every time you call us. We have a dedicated and highly trained team of receptionists, who are on-site and available to answer your call by phone or live chat 24/7, 365 days a year.
1. No Voicemail
We understand the frustrations experienced when you encounter the mechanical response of an automated attendant and we want your experience with Pacific Customs Brokers to be much different, so we go against the current trend. You will never have to press 1 for this or 2 for that, and your call will not go to voicemail where you are uncertain if or when it will be returned.
2. No Call Center
All of our calls are answered by an in-house reception team and never contracted out to a "Call Center". Our receptionists are well informed of the nature of our business and our exceptional staff and are prepared to direct your call in the most efficient and timely manner possible.
No matter your preference for the mode of communication, our receptionists, are available 24/7 and are trained to action your call by urgency and importance.
3. Positive Client Experience
Pacific Customs Brokers' receptionists strive to offer the best client service experience, and are well-versed in our company's capabilities and will direct your call to the most appropriate Customs release team member. We will let you know of the status of staff member you are trying to reach:
- on shift
- in a meeting
- away on vacation
- gone for the day
In addition, unlike an automated attendant, you will never be transferred to a voicemail and left waiting for a response for hours or days at a time.
Our Live Reception Team truly listens to what you are saying. It is our goal to understand the nature and urgency of your call and to respond in a confident, professional and expedient manner. We will address you by name and ask you how your day is going. At Pacific Customs Brokers, it is our pleasure to speak with you and build a professional relationship that will inspire:
- confidence
- trust
- loyalty
These are just some of the reasons why 24/7 live reception is the better option when choosing a customs broker.
Feel free to contact us at any hour of any day or live chat. We look forward to chatting with you.
10 Questions To Ask When Selecting A Customs Broker