The Learning Center’s 2021 Events Calendar Now Open For Registration!

The Learning Center’s 2021 Events Calendar Now Open For Registration!

With a new year comes a new calendar of educational events for you! Each year we release course content specific to trade issues we see regularly. Our hope is that these courses will offer basic awareness of regulations and guidance on how best to comply with them.

Import Basics

New to cross-border trade? Perhaps you are seeking additional training on the importation of commercial goods? Whether your team is in need of a refresher, or if a new team member needs to be brought up to speed on trade regulations, there is a course for that. Regular offerings include How-To basics such as importing into the US and Canada, Incoterms® and choosing the best one for a shipment, import regulations for commodities regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), produce/food and beverage, HS tariff classification, customs valuation and expanding sales to the US market.

Professional Development

Are you a professional designate? We’ve got your annual maintenance points here. Whether you’re a CCS, CES, MCS, CTCS, a legal, accounting, trade or logistics professional we’ve got your continuing education material. To check what each course will earn you, visit the Professional Development section of the course. Points/Credits are awarded by the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers (CSCB), NCBFAA Educational Institute (NEI) and other professional associations to maintain industry designations for the trade community.

What’s New For 2021?

This year we are introducing 3 new courses:

  • Getting Produce and Plants into Canada
  • Getting Food and Beverage into Canada
  • Understanding CBSA’s CARM *coming soon*

If you have a topic you would like to see added, let us know!

Events Calendar

Here you will find our upcoming calendar for the year. With the pandemic still very much a thing in our lives our in-class sessions remain suspended for the health and safety of everyone. Each session listed below is delivered in an online environment.

Presented In Partnership With

The experts behind the PCB Learning Center enjoy putting knowledge out in the world, therefore we take every opportunity to partner with other organizations to speak at industry events and panels. The events listed here may be hosted by us with guest panelists or hosted by an external party in which we are a proud guest speaker.

Save the dates or reserve your free spot today!

need help to import your goods
Disclaimer: While reading, kindly note the date of this blog. At PCB we do our due diligence to write on the most relevant topic every week and naturally content may become dated as developments in a certain program/topic occur. For this reason, we greatly appreciate your readership and hope you continue reading with the posting date in mind. For the latest information on this topic please use our website's search function, or better yet, subscribe to our "Trading Post" newsletter to receive these updates directly to your inbox.
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About the Author
Adriana Petty

Her career in the international trade industry began over 12 years ago while simultaneously earning certifications in Marketing Management from Kwantlen Polytechnic University and Graphic Design from British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Having reached her goal of amalgamating her fields of study to become a Marketing & Graphic Design powerhouse, Adriana spearheads the education program, external speaking engagements and internal staff events all while providing support to the Marketing and Graphics teams. In 2015, she joined the Marketing and Events Committee for The American Chamber of Commerce – Pacific Chapter where she volunteered her time at events from inception to take-down. A creative at heart, she loves challenging herself, and thus is consistently known for growing her multi-disciplined training, responsibilities, and expanding her knowledge.

While we strive for accuracy in all our communications, as the Importer of Record it is incumbent upon your company to ensure that you are aware of the requirements under the new regulations so that you maintain compliance as always.